Friday, June 22, 2012

USHP Annual Meeting

In case you missed it, registration for the USHP Annual Meeting is currently open.  The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 11th, at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray.  In addition to the regular CE topics, there are two specific areas of interest to students:

1) Poster presentation opportunity.  Please read the submission guidelines carefully and note the abstract deadline is Friday, July 9th.

2) A residency "boot camp" session to be held in the afternoon.  A panel of residency directors, preceptors, and residents in Utah will discuss topics including: types of residencies, expectations during residency, CV preparation, interviewing techniques, and other survival tips.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ACCP Meeting Registration Opens Today

The ACCP Annual Meeting will be held Oct. 20 - 23, 2012 in Hollywood, Florida.  Here are some highlights for students in their final year.

Saturday:  Career Development Symposium, Student Orientation, Student Reception

Sunday: Career Path Roundtable Session, Opening Reception

Monday: Residency and Fellowship Forum, PRN Business Meetings and Networking Forums

Tuesday: PRN Business Meetings and Networking Forums

TBA: Education and Training PRN Mock Residency Interviews (Monday or Tuesday evening)

These sessions were selected because they focus on student career development and networking opportunities.  There are many other great sessions on a variety of clinical topics.  Watch the semi-finals and finals of the Clinical Pharmacy Challenge on Sunday and Monday for some solid entertainment.

ACCP Annual Meeting Detailed Information

New this year: students can indicate they will be participating in the Residency and Fellowship Forum and can fill out an applicant profile.  Links on that page are still in development, so check back later.

Add a comment if you need a roommate for this meeting!

Friday, June 1, 2012

ACCP Clinical Compass

The clinical compass page of the student section of the ACCP web site has descriptions of and links to useful resources for students in all stages of the process of looking at residencies.  I especially like the links to accreditation information, the list of accredited specialties, and the examples of residency application documents.  There's a small section on fellowships, but there is only a link for pharmaceutical industry fellowship information.  There are also clinical research fellowships available.  If you are considering a non-industry fellowship, let me know and I'll try to get you some additional information.

ACCP Clinical Compass