Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ACCP Meeting Registration Opens Today

The ACCP Annual Meeting will be held Oct. 20 - 23, 2012 in Hollywood, Florida.  Here are some highlights for students in their final year.

Saturday:  Career Development Symposium, Student Orientation, Student Reception

Sunday: Career Path Roundtable Session, Opening Reception

Monday: Residency and Fellowship Forum, PRN Business Meetings and Networking Forums

Tuesday: PRN Business Meetings and Networking Forums

TBA: Education and Training PRN Mock Residency Interviews (Monday or Tuesday evening)

These sessions were selected because they focus on student career development and networking opportunities.  There are many other great sessions on a variety of clinical topics.  Watch the semi-finals and finals of the Clinical Pharmacy Challenge on Sunday and Monday for some solid entertainment.

ACCP Annual Meeting Detailed Information

New this year: students can indicate they will be participating in the Residency and Fellowship Forum and can fill out an applicant profile.  Links on that page are still in development, so check back later.

Add a comment if you need a roommate for this meeting!


  1. Update: The Education and Training PRN's residency mock interview session will be held on Monday night (6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.).

  2. Another update P3s! ACCP will be doing a repeat of their "Emerge From the Crowd" program just before their Annual Meeting in on Friday, October 19th. This is the same program which was presented in Reno in April of this year. It is less geared to students in their final year, so do not fret if you are a P3 and you are not planning to get to Florida until Saturday or Sunday. If you are considering west coast residency programs, your time might be better spent at the CSHP/NVSHP residency showcase in Las Vegas.


Please post your questions and comments here and include your name. Comments from unreconized people will be removed.