Sunday, November 18, 2012

Healthcare Alphabet Soup

As you are conversing with programs over email and preparing to meet with them at ASHP Midyear, you may be encountering healthcare "alphabet soup."  How well can you define and explain the following?

Board of Pharmaceutial Specialties: BCPS, BCACP, BCPP, BCOP, BCNP, BCNSP, AQ Cardiology, AQ Infectious Disease

Healthcare Organizations

Quality and Payment in Inpatient Healthcare
Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative (PPMI)
National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) (which goals are related to pharmacy?)
HCAHPS Survey (which questions are related to pharmacy services?)
CMS Core Measures (which diseases are included? which medications?)
Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)
Pay for Performance (P4P)
Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Codes
Bundled Payments
403b Status
Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes known as "Obamacare"

Quality and Payment in Outpatient Healthcare
Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)
Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC)
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003
Managed Care Organizations (MCO)
Accountable Health Plans (AHP)
Drug Utilization Review (DUR)
Disease State Management
Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
Medication Therapy Review (MTR)
Personal Medication Record (PMR)
Medication Action Plan (MAP)
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes
Affordable Care Act (ACA), sometimes known as "Obamacare"

Technology in Healthcare
Automated Dispensing Cabinets (ADC) / Automated Dispensing Machines (ADM)
Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE)
Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
EHR "Meaningful Use"

Friday, November 16, 2012

ASHP online residency database searching TRICK!

The searching abilities of ASHP's online residency directory are very limited.  If one wants to search things other than city, state, zip or program name from the gigantic list of PGY-1s, some additional tricks are necessary.  Google lets you search within a web domain.  All pages within the residency directory are within the same web site domain, which lets you search by keywords within that domain.  Here's how it works.

Step 1: Copy and paste the URL from this page through the word "directory/"

Step 2: Go to the google search page and paste in that partial web address.  Type into the search box "site:" and make sure there is no space between site and the "http" part of the address.
Step 3: Put a space after "directory" and then put in the term you want to search for.  Here's an example of a search for "transplant"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Gearing up for Midyear!

Step 1: Registration

The base meeting registration fee is $255 for students who are members and $355 for students who are not members of ASHP.  This fee provides you with access to all of the following:
  • Keynote presentation (Bill Clinton)
  • Educational symposia from Sunday - Thursday (except ambulatory "intensive study")
  • The residency showcase
  • All poster sessions
  • All industry exhibits
There are other activities associated with additional fees which range betwen $80 and $295 each.  Many are courses for pharmacists about how to run a residency program (RLS) and courses for pharmacists needing to recertify for a certain credential (like BCACP).  The only one of these activities targeted towards students is the board prep on Saturday. 

Step 2: Personal Placement Service

This is a separate registration and fee which allows you to interview with employers and/or residency programs at the meeting.  The fee for students is $125.  Not all residency programs participate in PPS and PPS participation does not guarantee you will be granted an interview with your desired site at the meeting.  You need to contact them, provide a copy of your CV and then be invited to interview at PPS.  To check whether a program you are considering is participating in PPS, please check this online list.  This list is expected to change frequently between now and the meeting.  Not all programs listed are recruiting for PGY-1 residencies so it might be advisable to contact them directly.

If you are considering PPS, register early so that potential employers/programs can find you and contact you.  Setting up interviews if you register for PPS on site might be problematic if all of the interview slots have been booked by candidates who registered in advance.

Step 3: Network

Many colleges of pharmacy and large health systems conduct social functions at the Midyear in order to develop new contacts and reconnect with alumni.  Roseman's social function will be held Monday night at the Luxor and is open to all Roseman students registered for the meeting.  For other social events, it is recommended that you wait to be invited rather than spontaneously dropping in on a social event.  If you do attend, make sure you are wearing your most formal business attire.  Students in cocktail attire will stand out in a bad way.

Step 4: Residency Showcase

Start with a list of which programs strongly interest you.  Make sure you have researched each one thoroughly using the ASHP Residency Directory and the program's own web site.  Write down questions that you want to ask each program.  Not all programs should be asked the same questions since each will have different information available in the directory and on their web site.  Visit the Midyear web site to figure out which program will be in the showcase on which day since different programs have booth space on each day.  The showcase will be open on Monday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., on Tuesday from 8:00 - 11:00 a.m., and on Tuesday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.  As of this posting, a list of dates for specific programs was not available; however, in "early November" per the web site, ASHP will provide an Excel file which can be sorted and filtered to help you figure out how to find the programs you are wishing to talk to by booth number.  There will also be an interactive floor plan map which can help you find exactly where on the very large exhibit floor each program will be.