Friday, November 16, 2012

ASHP online residency database searching TRICK!

The searching abilities of ASHP's online residency directory are very limited.  If one wants to search things other than city, state, zip or program name from the gigantic list of PGY-1s, some additional tricks are necessary.  Google lets you search within a web domain.  All pages within the residency directory are within the same web site domain, which lets you search by keywords within that domain.  Here's how it works.

Step 1: Copy and paste the URL from this page through the word "directory/"

Step 2: Go to the google search page and paste in that partial web address.  Type into the search box "site:" and make sure there is no space between site and the "http" part of the address.
Step 3: Put a space after "directory" and then put in the term you want to search for.  Here's an example of a search for "transplant"

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