Monday, January 7, 2013

Top 20 Residency Interview Questions!

This is based on the results of a study where researchers attempted to collect a list of the most common interview questions with median rankings for importance (5 = most important, 1 = least important). Questions without rankings were provided as open questions by survey participants.
  1. Why do you want to do a residency? (100% asking, importance 5/5)
  2. Where do you see yourself after a PGY-1 residency?* (97% asking, importance 4/5)
  3. What areas of practice most interest you? (93% asking, importance 4/5)
  4. What qualities do you possess would make you a good resident? (88% asking, 4/5 importance)
  5. What are your worst qualities? (73% asking, 4/5 importance)
  6. What was your favorite rotation? (73% asking, 4/5 importance)
  7. Describe the most significant contribution you made to a patient's care this past year. (60% asking, 4/5 importance)
  8. Are you considering a PGY-2 residency or fellowship?* (59% asking, 3/5 importance)
  9. What was your least favorite rotation? (56% asking, 3/5 importance)
  10. Describe your most memorable experiences from rotations. (47% asking, 4/5 importance)
  11. If I were to ask preceptor X to describe you, what words would he or she use? (37% asking, 4/5 importance)
  12. Describe your favorite or most memorable patient. (32% asking, 4/5 importance)
  13. What is your definition of pharmaceutical care?* (24% asking, 3/5 importance)
  14. Who was your favorite preceptor? (19% asking, 4/5 importance)
  15. Why are you interested in our program? (13% asking)
  16. Describe or discuss the most interesting medical journal article you have recently read. (13% asking, 3/5 importance)
  17. How do you handle conflict? (10% asking)
  18. What do you like to do for fun? (8% asking)
  19. Describe a conflict with a preceptor or attending physician. (7% asking)
  20. Describe your time-management skills. (7% asking)
* Because this study was conducted in 2003, certain terms have been updated or might be phrased differently to reflect current standards and practices.

Be prepared for these questions to include follow-up, especially if the question is closed-ended (ex. Are you considering a PGY-2? vs. Why are you considering a PGY-2?).

Mancuso CE, Paloucek FP. Understanding and preparing for pharmacy practice residency interviews. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2004;61:1686-9.

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