Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Upcoming Dates -- Residency Match 2013

March 22, 2013 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time
    • Match results are released to applicants and program directors.
    • The PhORCAS application portal will be reopened so that unmatched applicants may begin updating their information (CVs, letters of intent, letters of recommendation, etc.).  Previous information will be accessible in the system for students who used PhORCAS pre-match.
    • The list of programs with openings will be preloaded into PhORCAS.
    • New applicants may participate in the scramble however they must register for the match and PhORCAS and pay associated fees. 
    • New programs and new positions for existing programs can be added.
March 25, 2013 (update: 12:00 PM Eastern Time)
    • Designation portal is again open to applicants in PhORCAS. No distinction will be made between "in progress" and "complete" applications. The fees of $25 per application will again apply.
    • Programs may designate a new application deadline or they may keep the default deadline of May 31, 2013.   April 1, 2013
    • Available applicant list is posted for programs.
April 1, 2013
    • The Commission on Credentialing has asked for a moratorium on position offers to applicants until this date in an effort to give programs and applicants sufficient time to make good decisions without the fear of competition with the best applicants/programs. This is non-binding but Dr. Sebranek and I believe this recommendation will be followed by the residency programs.
    • Programs will begin to remove remaining unmatched positions as they are filled
April 22, 2013
    • Matched applicants must sign and return their letter of confirmation to their residency program.
May 31, 2013
    • PhORCAS closes for the post-match process.

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