Friday, July 13, 2012

ASHP Midyear Registration Opens

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) has just opened registration and hotel booking for their Midyear Clinical Meeting which will be held from December 2 - 6, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Because this is the largest annual gathering of pharmacists, with a strong showing of student pharmacists, inexpensive hotel rooms close to the meeting book up fast.  The meeting will be held at Mandalay Bay which is on the South end of the Las Vegas Strip.  Hotels besides the meeting hotel which are close include Luxor*, Tropicana, Excalibur, MGM*, New York New York*, Aria*, and the Monte Carlo.   ASHP will provide shuttle buses between some strip hotels and the meeting hotel (indicated with a *).  There is also a free monorail which runs between Mandalay Bay, Luxor, and Excalibur.  Other hotels (ex. Motel 8) can also be found nearby but may not be as safe, especially at night.  Click on the link below to register for the meeting and book hotel rooms.

  ASHP Midyear 2012 Web Site

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