Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to write an abstract?

It's almost August and the submission site for abstracts for the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting will be opening in a few weeks.  It may seem early for some, but if you are in the throws of getting research started, it might be helpful to consider what type of information you'll need in your abstract.  Remember that a good abstract and a good poster will help you sell yourself at Midyear so don't wait until the night before.  I've provided some links for some resources I've found online about how to write an abstract for a meeting.  Enjoy!

ACCP abstract instructions (Here's a video too)

PPAG abstract instructions

This article is probably more than you need...but just in case

The last link has a great quote that I believe really rings true for abstract writing.

To paraphrase Dr Petty’s advice, on being asked to give a talk on a particular topic, “If you
want a 10-min summary, I can have it for you a week from today; if you want it to be 30 minutes, I can do it tomorrow; if you want a whole hour, I’m ready now.

Pierson DJ. How to write an abstract that will be accepted for presentation at a national meeting. Respir Care. 2004;49(10):1206-12.

1 comment:

  1. Here is ASHP's guide to uploading an abstract


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