Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PhORCAS Changes the Residency Timeline

There is a new date to put into your mind:  November 1st.  This is the date after which the residency programs will begin to start viewing student application materials in PhORCAS.  I believe this is a game changer for the residency application process.  In the past I imagine most application packets lived in an administrative assistant's office somewhere until all pieces flowed in.  Even then, nobody might have looked at the completed packets until interview selection time.  Now, the same residency administrators will be able to log into PhORCAS and view your CV, etc. instantly online from their desk.  They can even run reports by location, etc.  Roseman students can take advantage of this new feature by getting the materials in early.  P3s will be able to start uploading documents on October 1st. Being on a program's radar via PhORCAS before Midyear might give you a little edge over other applicants.  Since each program application involves an additional fee, you might reserve this approach for your top, top picks.

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