Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Poster abstract deadlines for ASHP and APhA

Since I know many of you are interested in presenting posters at either the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in December or the APhA Annual Meeting in March, I want to pass on some helpful links.  The portal for ASHP Student Poster submission is now open:

Although the APhA Annual Meeting in not scheduled until March 1st-4th, 2013, they are already requesting abstracts.  The link to APhA's portal is:

Very important: Abstract deadlines for both organizations is October 1st, 2012.  Review submission guidelines for each organization carefully so you meet their requirements and your abstract is not rejected.  If you have never done a professional poster before, I encourage you to work with your preceptors or faculty members for guidance.  Start early so you have plenty of time to work through several revisions if needed.  Additionally, I advise submitting the final abstract earlier than the deadline to avoid the possibility of too much traffic on the website making it inaccessible.

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