Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pharmacy Practice Philosophy

Last week Dr. Smith emailed the Utah P3 class with information about APhA's Career Pathways Evaluation Program.  If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to complete the pathway to help you determine which factors are most important to you in your future career.  Simply wanting to do a residency is too vague of a short-term career goal.  With the tight economy, many residency programs are flooded with candidates who are applying because the candidates don't know what else to do career-wise or simply want to "gain more clinical experience."  Historically, these students do not fare well with securing residency interviews or matching with residency programs.

A good way to get started on this important skill is to complete a pharmacy practice philosophy.  To learn more about how to do this, visit the Pharmacy Practice Philosophy page on this blog.

These questions are very important as you begin researching residency programs and determining how you envision your residency training to be. Very soon you will be writing letters of intent to residency programs. Your letter should include detailed information regarding the above questions. In addition to evaluating how well of a "fit" you are to the residency program, residency programs will be considering how well their program meets your needs. If you are able to answer the questions in detail, you will stand out as more mature residency candidate with a clearer vision of pharmacy practice.

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